Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) made a short evaluation of the recent Arab "revolutions". It managed to express the essence of the recent events in a just few words. With an explosive cocktail of money, "unknown snipers", and world mass media cover-up, SANA gives a thorough analysis to the horrible results of the "revolution":
суббота, 30 апреля 2011 г.
пятница, 29 апреля 2011 г.
Syria on fire
Syria, along with Lybia, stays the main spotlight in the news column. And we are getting more and more bad news from there, too. Moreover, the events in this country are now menacingly often making the story-of-the-day in the news coverage. So what is happening out there?
вторник, 26 апреля 2011 г.
Farther away from USA
Farther away from USA
Anglo-Saxons are attempting to raise chaos in the entire world at once, to destabilize as many countries as possible. The leaders of these countries see which way the wind blows. They try to take some preventive measures. Nothing else can explain their behavior.
среда, 20 апреля 2011 г.
Syria: Unknown Snipers Rebuffed
For the last few months I have written a dozen of times about the snipers from western intelligence services killing innocent people at anti-government meetings in Arab countries. The killed people are all reported to be "the victims of the police and the Army". To provoke a revolution and chaos.
The situation in Syria is complex and highly explosive. However, it seems to be over the hump. Why? The reason is that the Syrian people have realized what's been going on.
Now they see THEM. And maybe it's due to our efforts, my dear readers.
понедельник, 4 апреля 2011 г.
A Planned Chaos
The last weekend’s news give convincing evidence that all the “revolutions” in Northern Africa aim to achieve certain destructive purposes. Now the world order is being destroyed. We can see for ourselves how the things were going on in Europe in 1930th, when England, USA and France consequently surrendered their allies (Czechoslovakia and Poland) and neutral parties (Austria), hastily destructing the European Defence System of the time. You must all remember the terrifying results of those events.
Yemen is a new target
That's exactly where the "unidentified snipers" are now.
Western special forces' snipers shooting at the demonstrators to escalate tension and to create "crimes of the bloody regime" have already become the "business card" of Arab revolutions. Unidentified snipers were in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya.