воскресенье, 8 декабря 2013 г.

Stalin and the fools


It is Stalin birthday today.  Communists brought flowers to his grave. I'm sure that many other Russian citizens, not being communists and not going to build a socialism, whose grandfathers had been killed in World War II, also wanted to bring the flowers there.  Why?

Because Stalin defended Russia. We shall put the ideology aside and simply tell the truth:  this ordinary Georgian man defended the country. He defended it twice – first from "Lenins guard" with the appointee of the bankers- owners of Federal Reserve System Trotsky at the head. Then from the other appointee of the same bankers – Adolf Hitler. Stalin outwitted Trotsky and all other revolution clique by means of the sophisticated schemes of intraparty strife. Stalin outwitted Hitler by means of strong will, in the awful situation, by blood and life of his millions solders. But he won.  And Russia – USSR was saved and grew. The only thing that Stalin was not able to do is to create the succession in governance.

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